We have 10 colorful Palisades Appaloosa mares due to foal in 2025.  This year the foals are due in  March, April, May and four due in late summer and early fall.. They are sired by our two Stallions that you can find on our Stallion pages.  I will be working in the barn round the clock to attend each birth and to give each foal the proper time and attention that brings out the best in them. Spring, summer and fall will be spent teaching them to be gentle and well mannered for their new owners. 

  Below I will post each mare as her time grows near and detail her development and delivery. The foals will be posted within a day or two of their birth. They can be reserved until weaning time with a 33% non refundable deposit. Click here to see our full Policy on foal sales.  

 I hope you enjoy the foaling season as much as I do. I love sharing this experience with my visitors, especially those not lucky enough to have horses of their own. 

Each of the mares' photos are linked to their personal page for photos and pedigrees and past foals.. just click!

We also have a facebook page, Palisades Appaloosas
Cookie X Mighty Bright Reward
Due, March 7th

Last year, due in February, Cookie was about two weeks past her due date when she delivered Jasmine , her second foal.  I expect her to be late again this year, since winter babies seem to have a bit longer gestation than summer ones.  She has just begun udder enlargement February 20th.
Cleo X Remaarkable Panda (Max)
  Due March l6

Cleo is l4 now, and has given us many colorful babies with three different stallions. This year she is bred to Max.  Cleo likes to show udder enlargement very early but usually foals near her due date.  She's 80% full now at February 26th.   
Mauzi X Mighty Bright Reward (Samson)
   Due March 29

Mauzi is 16 now, how time flies!  She has given us 11 unique foals with four different stallions.  This year she is bred to Samson again,  and looking huge as usual.  I don't see any udder changes as of yet, late February, but will be checking daily for the first signs
of impending birth.